May 2023
April 2023
Don’t fear telehealth: Better tech and a new AAHA certificate are on the way
Telehealth can be a great option for veterinary professionals who can't physically be in practice, and provides increased, inclusive access to care for pet-owners. However, there are many challenges and concerns with implementing telehealth and working with new technology. Click the image to learn more about the future telehealth and whether it could be an option for your practice.
March 2023
Blendvet helps diverse students see themselves in veterinary medicine
Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our daily workplace culture is a long journey. But people like Niccole Bruno, DVM, and founder and CEO of Blendvet, are creating real-life, impactful learning experiences to apply DEIB in veterinary medicine.
February 2023
Can expanding the RVT role improve access to care?
The California Veterinary Medicine Association calls for expansion of the role of Registered Veterinary Technicians in response to low-income clients' increasing need for veterinary care. The "Access to Care Task Force" dove into exactly what solutions could be proposed to eliminate barriers to veterinary care. Read more by clicking the image.
January 2023
What prevents us from practicing a spectrum of care?
Kate Boatright, VMD, dives into spectrum of care in her columns titled "What is the spectrum of care". Join her in the discussion of a specific case study that can be challenging to navigate for many hospitals. Click the image for more.
Applications now open for veterinary technician seats on the State Board of Veterinary Medicine!
Do you want to represent Colorado veterinary technicians? See below for information on applying for one of the two open veterinary technician seats on the State Board of Veterinary Medicine.
Time commitment: the SBVM meets all day on Thursday every other month. The first required meeting for this position is April 13. You will have two weeks prior to each meeting to review the board packet. Each seat is a four-year appointment.
Requirements: all applicants must have been practicing as a credentialed veterinary technician in the state of Colorado for the last five years.
How to apply: email [email protected].
*For any questions, please email Erin at the email above!
For more information on the State Board of Veterinary Medicine or the inclusion of veterinary technicians in the Veterinary Practice Act, click here!
December 2022
Interview with CACVT Board Member, Tricia Kaoihana, Conducted by Leslie Niedermyer
Tricia became a CVT (now RVT) after graduating from Bel-Rea in 2001. She has had her VTS in Internal Medicine since 2010 and had worked on the floor or in hospitals for the last 21 years before taking a remote job with Chronos Vet. Chronos handles scheduling appointments, prescription refills, and answering emails for the hospital. This allows their front desk staff to focus on the clients in their lobby. She currently works as a trainer where she learns the ins/outs of the hospital and then trains their employees on how to use the software and the system.
Leslie: How have you seen the industry change in the last 21 years?
Tricia: The corporate piece has been huge, they’ve been buying up a lot of clinics and it's been interesting to see this change. Sometimes this is for the better (better benefits, ability to grow in career, better pay) but it can also have negative impacts (more about money and the numbers).
Leslie: How did you decide to get your VTS in internal medicine and what steps did you take to be successful?
Trica: When I first started, I thought I would go into ER/Critical Care but I got a job with Internal Medicine and fell in love. I really enjoy the puzzle of the diagnostics and then following the case after. Sometimes I would work an ER shift on a weekend and have a patient that would come in. Then when I came to work on Monday, it would be in my department for a referral. I would literally get to follow the case from when it walked in the door through ER and then through our IM department. I decided to get my VTS more for myself, I got to a point in my career where I wanted to prove to myself that I knew my stuff and to see where I stood with the rest of the techs in the country. I also looked at becoming a VTS as a stepping stone in my career, not for the pay but for the recognition in practice.
Leslie: Do you have any tips for veterinary technicians who are looking to become a VTS?
Tricia: You have to be committed as its a very long and in-depth process. You also need to find a good mentor and a good doctor to work with. Finding the best doctor to support you through the process is important because they are the ones that are signing off on you and supporting you. They have to want you to become a VTS because they are going out of their way to hlp you succeed.
Leslie: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Tricia: I’ve been playing softball since she was 8, I also like trying new beers and going to new breweries. I also enjoy hiking.
Leslie: If you could tell our members 1 thing, what would it be?
Tricia: We can always do better, even though we have been doing things the same way for years, there are always ways to do it better. Veterinary medicine is always changing, you just have to be willing to learn and go with the changes.
November 2022
Interview with CACVT Board Member, Heather Allman, Conducted by Leslie Niedermyer
This month, CACVT's President sat down with her fellow board member, Colorado native Heather Allman. Heather currently resides in Parker where she shares her house with her doggo Paisley, some fish, her 17 year old son and partner.
Heather has been in the industry since 2004. She retired from working on the floor about 5 years ago and now works as the marketing and creative director for Vet Center of Parker. She has also been working as the marketing and creative project manager for Vetsource for the last 2 years.
Leslie: What is your favorite part of your current role?
Heather: My favorite thing is that I get to use both sides of my brain. I’m very creative but also very analytical. I love being able to get into the weeds and look at the details but then create a marketing idea and be creative. My job allows me to have autotomy and gives me free reign to do what I want.
Leslie: How have you seen the industry change in the last 18 years?
Heather: The biggest change is that the public is a bit more informed on what we, as technicians do and technician utilization has improved. I’ve also noticed that techs are not just limited to being on the floor anymore, there are other opportunities for our role. This was not really the case back in the day.
Leslie: Do you have any tips for CVT’s who are looking for a career outside of working on the floor?
Heather: In your current place of work, try to find opportunities to branch out and take on new responsibilities. I know that can be hard with all the other duties techs have, but it’s the only way to open yourself up to growth.
Always be looking for new opportunities and network, the veterinary industry is such a small world, so putting yourself out there and talking to people is a great way to find new roles.
Even if you don’t have a lot of skills in a certain area, apply anyway because they can likely train you for the role. Research has found that men apply for jobs, even when they only meet an average of 60% of the criteria but women and other marginalized groups tend to only apply when they check every box. Apply for the job!
Leslie: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Heather: I’ve started a pet brand on the side, mugs, tumblers, stickers and t-shirts. I like to do a lot with vinyl and sublimation. I’ve also recently gotten into embroidery.
I also like cuddling with my dog and watching DIY shows and things like Project Runway and cooking shows. Basically anything creative.
Leslie: If you could tell our members one thing, what would it be?
Heather: Make connections, be part of the veterinary community. Our industry is so small, you don’t know what connection you may make for the future. Also, don’t burn bridges, everyone knows everyone.
Shelter medicine: an intimate look
CACVT Board President, Leslie Niedermyer sits down with Jon Rogge at Foothills Animal Shelter, Meghan Dillmore at Denver Animal Shelter, Dr. Margaret Garcia at Larimer Humane Society, and Laura Cox at Dumb Friends League to discuss shelter medicine.
Q: How long has your facility been at capacity or near capacity? What are the main reasons that owners are surrendering their pets?
The consensus is that facilities have been at or near capacity since late spring and through the summer of 2022. Not only are owner surrenders higher than last year but there are more stray animals coming through the doors. Many owners are listing reasons for surrender as unrelated to the animal, this includes housing changes and financial difficulty being at the top of the list. There’s also a good portion of animals being surrendered due to medical issues and behavior. With owners falling on financial hardship, they are finding it harder to care for their pets with significant medical concerns so these animals end up on the shelter door step.
Facilities are also seeing more stray animals coming in, the average being around 2,000 in the last 10 months with about half this being dogs. The good news is that about 80% of dogs go home, with owners coming to the shelter to look for their lost dog. Our kitty friends are not so lucky, with the ~1,000 that come through doors, only around 100 are reclaimed.
Q: How are shelters coping with the influx of animals coming through the doors?
Focusing on length of stay- In Colorado, stray animals are held for 5 days (allowing owners time to come reclaim) before they can be moved through to the next step in adoption. Managing intake procedures so that animals are not waiting as long for an intake exam and are then getting in for dentals and other procedures more quickly and therefore out the door. They are also doing appointments for owner surrender, so that the amount of owner surrenders are planned for the shelter.
Some facilities are decreasing their transfer acceptances, mostly from out of state. Animals would typically come from the south or from places of natural disaster, this room is now in short supply, so space is saved for our local animals. They are also finding ways to increase adoption traffic, either by offering specials on adoption fees, hosting more events at local breweries and events at the shelter, and making animals available for adoption before spay/neuter. Animals are then sent home the day of surgery. Any way to get the public through the door to meet a new furry friend.
Q: What can the industry do to help?
When I asked what we as an industry can do to help, the biggest thing that was mentioned again and again is volunteering. Even a few hours a week working in surgery, animal care, walking and socializing dogs/cats or helping with intake can make a huge difference. Fostering is another way to help, if you have the space and friendly furries at home, offering a space to an animal at the shelter offers a way to socialize animals and get them out into the world.
The need for low cost veterinary care is also big concern, pet owners who are struggling financially have few places to seek care for their pets who have significant medical issues. Talking to owners about spending money on training at a young age and through adulthood and seeking professional help for behavior issues before it becomes unmanageable and they are surrendered can help too. Of course, making owners aware of overpopulation and referring clients to shelters when they are looking for a new furry family member helps decrease the amount of animals in shelter. Even if they are looking for a purebred, with a little patience and perseverance, their dream dog or cat, whether it be a mutt, a Maine Coon, or fancy doodle-schnoodle could be waiting for them.
We’re all here for the animals, lets not forget about the thousands of animals that are waiting for a home in our local shelters.
Looking to volunteer? Check out the website of the shelter in your area to help out.
A big shout out to the representatives who took the time to chat with me. Thank you for all you do!
Leslie Niedermyer, BS, AS, CVT
Drug expiration dates: Information your practice needs for less risk, higher margins
In this article, Melissa King, PharmD, a pharmacist and operations leader at Epicur Pharma, dives into the important differences between BUD and expiration dates in compounded medications. Learn more by clicking the image.
October 2022
Vet techs are the answer: using them well is the challenge
As wel all know, technicians are generally under utilized and according to NAVC's research, CVTs use less than one-third of the competencies they are trained to perfrom. Read this AAHA interview on technician utilization with Julie Legred, CVT, FFCVP, Deborah Reeder, BA, AS, LVT, VTS-EVN(R), and Shannon Thompson, RVT by clicking the image.
Interview with CACVT Board Treasurer, Ria Botzler, Conducted by Leslie Niedermyer
Embark launches age test
Veterinary technician week celebrate resilience
For 2022 National Veterinary Technician Week, the theme is resilience! The week will celebrate and recognize the contributions and challenges faced by veterinary technicians each day to provide the best care for the public. To learn more about the goal of this year's tech week, click the image.
September 2022
Canine separation anxiety in the post-pandemic era
It's no secret that the pandemic led to increased time with our beloved animals. Now that jobs and events have transitioned back to in-person, how are our animals affected and what can we do? Read more about separation anxiety in canines by clicking the image.
Younger generations are obsessed with their pets
August 2022
Facility design can reduce stress, enhance healing
"The health of humans and animals is tightly interconnected with their environment". Collaboration between healthcare teams and architects can positively transform animal health facilities. Read more by clicking the image.
July 2022
New companion animal therapy program for rehabilitation education and training
CSU students, alumni provide veterinary care to refugees' pets at Ukrainian border
CSU alumnis Dr. Jon Geller traveled to the Romasnian-Ukrainian border in March, where he provided vaccinations, microchips, and a European Union "pet passport" that the Ukrainians need to enter other countries with their animals. Learn more by clicking the image.
CACVT Announces 2022-2023 Technician of the Year
What has been the most rewarding moment of your career?
Foaling season is always a crazy time for the clinic as a whole, but mainly the medicine service because we take in all the sick neonates and their dams. The beginning of my second year working at Littleton Equine Medical Center we got a call early in the morning that client had a mare that foaled out a set of twins! We weren't expecting either of the foals to be viable, however, both foals were alive at presentation! After evaluation and initial stabilization of both foals, the filly began to go into respiratory arrest and eventually cardiac arrest, and we were unable to resuscitate her. However, after a lot of intensive care and over a month of hospitalization, we were able get the colt to a point where he could go home and live the life of a normal foal! Because in almost every instance equine twins don't survive, this was an incredible feat and it was so rewarding to be a part of something so amazing.
What has been your biggest challenge of your career?
There are many challenges that I have had to over come that a lot of us can relate to! There is the obvious challenge of not being able to save a patient, that is hard on all of us. However, I would say that one of my biggest challenges that I struggle with everyday is not being able to find the mental separation of my work life and personal life. I constantly worry about the sick patients that I leave behind at the end of my shift, as we all do I'm sure. I have found that working out and spending time with my dog, Rio, helps me leave work at work!
If you were to have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
I would have to say my Grandpa, who passed away when I was 11. He was my hero in every way and even more important than that, he was my best friend. I know that he would be proud of the things that I have accomplished, especially for receiving this award!
What is your main goal for the next 5 years?
My main goal for the next 5 years would be to receive my VTS in Equine Internal Medicine. A daunting task, but a true testament to how much I love what I do.
What is your biggest piece of advice for other CVTs?
I would have to say that my biggest piece of advice for other CVTs would be to value your work-life balance. Setting boundaries to protect your time away from your place of work is so important for your mental health. I know that it can be hard, especially when you care a lot, as it is something that I struggle to instill in my own life. Burnout is one of the biggest reasons this profession struggles to keep personnel so, setting those boundaries is one of the most important things you can do for your patients!
PrideVMC Celebrates Pride 2022 and GIBOR Signatories
May 2022
How to make mentorship work in veterinary practice
LVT preceptorship program expands at Cornell
To meet the demands of a growing industry that relies on the veterinary team as a whole, Cornell has increased its capacity of veterinary technology students along with options for technicians to explore specific specialities of veterinary medicine.
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
Platform uses facial recognition to reunite lost pets with owners
A new national online artificial intelligence database has been created for the sole purpose of reuniting animals with their owners. This database uses facial recognition by uploading a photo of your pet along with contact information.
Navajo veterinarian delivers education and livestock medical services for her tribe
Dr. Germaine Daye is one of just three veterinarians based on the Navajo Nation, which "spans 27,000 square miles in the Four Corners of New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona". Dr. Daye, who "is busy 24-7", runs an animal science and veterinary technology program, is a practicing veterinarian, and teacher for her students.
- A crucial need that has been identified is activating a network of trained pet loss grief counselors. If this is you, please contact FRvMRC at [email protected].
- Interest is being gathered around volunteer pop-up clinics in the burn area. Please CLICK HERE for more information and to express interest.
- If you see an animal displaced, or know of an animal displaced, please send them to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley so they can be reunited with their owner. Humane Society of Boulder Valley is the main hub for injured animals, found animals, and reporting missing animals. Please visit their website for more information on the fire response. You can fill out their Disaster Response Volunteer form as well, should the need arise for help with the long term response.
- Donate meals to feed volunteers and staff members at Humane Society of Boulder Valley by clicking here.
- Harmony Veterinary Center has set up a fund to help offset medical costs for pets impacted by the fires and under the care of a DVM. If your practice is caring for impacted animals, please contact Dr. Julia McPeek at [email protected] to discuss financial support for your client.
- Visit the Boulder Office of Emergency Management (OEM) website for the latest information on the response.
- Join FRVMCR to prepare for future disaster. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the inevitability of future disaster affecting our community. To better assist our community in the future, the most important thing we can do is be proactive. If you would like to join FRVMCR, begin the process of training by clicking HERE to sign up for the Community & Preparedness class.
December 2021
Survey finds underuse related to retention for veterinary technicians
With the goal to find data related to veterinary technician utilization, longevity in the industry, and overall job satisfaction, researchers at the University of Florida conducted survey responses from 2,000 veterinary technicians. The findings were in direct correlation to clear trends seen in veterinary technology, specifically increasing burnout and early retirement from the field. Results found "a significant correlation between stress and busyness" as well as "confusion about not only requirements for being a credentialed veterinary technician but also differences between veterinary assistants and technicians". Read the whole AVMA article by clicking the image above.
November 2021
Pets’ social impact for children with ADHD to be explored
While there is already significant findings identifying a positive social impact in companion animal's relationship for children with autism spectrum disorder, there is a lack of research related to children with ADHD. Read more about this approved project set to find an influence in children's emotional recognition and social attention in this article.
Holiday travel: Study maps US cities with the most and cheapest pet-friendly Airbnb listings
The burden of finding a place to stay over the holidays is already troublesome enough. Adding your four legged friend to your packing list can make it even more difficult to find a place to stay. Read more about the most pet-friendly airbnb travel locations in this article.
October 2021
- Gateway Battered Women’s Services (Aurora) 303-343-1851
- My Bright Future Foundation (Avon) 970-949-7086 (set-up in progress)
- PeaceWorks – Mountain Peace Shelter (Bailey/Conifer) 303-838-7176
- Renew, Inc. (Cortez) 970-565-2100
- Arising Hope (Eastlake) 303-28-3180
Crossroads Safehouse (Fort Collins) 970-530-235
- Summit Advocates (Frisco) 970-668-3906
- Arkansas Valley Resource Center (La Junta) 719-384-7764
- Alliance Against Domestic Abuse (Salida) 719-539-7347