Getting licensed as a veterinary technician in Colorado is a 2-step process: (1) credentialing with CACVT, which qualifies individuals to apply for (2) registration with Colorado's Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA). Find the credential application for your specific experience below.
Credential by Examination
Did you graduate from an AVMA-accredited school and then pass your VTNE (after 1/1/24) and you need to become registered?
Late Credential by Examination
Did you graduate and pass the VTNE prior to 1/1/24, but did not apply for your credential, and need to become registered?
Credential Reinstatement
Were you a CVT in Colorado but your certification has expired and you need to become registered?
Transfer Application
Are you credentialed in another state and need to get registered in Colorado?
Experience-based Credential, post-provisional registration
Do you have a provisional registration and recently completed the credentialing requirements?