Veterinary Professional Associate Position Statement
Published January 31, 2023 

Over the last three years, CACVT has been working tirelessly to advocate for regulation of veterinary technicians as a foundational step to increase transparency and protect Colorado’s animals and animal owners. In 2022, this goal was achieved and as of January 1, 2023, veterinary technicians are now regulated and title protection is set to begin January 1, 2024. CACVT has also participated in a stakeholder working group to examine ongoing access to care issues. CACVT would like to thank Representative Karen McCormick for her leadership and dedication in convening this group and opening the door to examining the future of our industry. The underlying focus of this group was the concept of a mid-level practitioner, the term used to collectively refer to currently recognized Veterinary Technician Specialists (VTS) and the proposed position of a Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA).

At this time, CACVT does not support the concept of a VPA as proposed in the Increasing Access to Care bill. The strong opposition to the development of a VPA across the industry tells us more work needs to be done to create conditions more conducive to acceptance of this role in the future.

CACVT, however, does support advancing VTSs as mid-level practitioners. VTSs have been recognized for over 20 years with structured knowledge domains and a minimum competency exam for each specialty. VTSs maintain close partnerships with veterinarians and are recognized for their valued role in clinical practice. With direct supervision, interested VTSs could step into a mid-level role to support access to care. This will help provide a career ladder for these motivated individuals.

In conclusion, CACVT does not support the creation of a Veterinary Professional Associate at this time. We look forward to continued participation in creating legislation focused on optimal utilization of Registered Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Technician Specialists to begin addressing the access to care issues.