Inefficiency vs. Utilization: Highlighting the difference between common industry challenges

Inefficiency vs. Utilization: Highlighting the difference between common industry challenges

February 15, 2023

Utilization is one of the most talked about challenges for veterinary technicians. But are we so blinded by the lack of utilization discussion that we lump in other impactful challenges seen in practice? While utilization is a clear problem in veterinary medicine, it is important to highlight the impact of inefficiency in practice, which is commonly disguised as a utilization issue. 

The difference between inefficiency and utilization, as described in by Dr. Ouedraogo, an assistant director in the AVMA Veterinary Economics Division, “refers to how well resources are used, and should not to be confused with productivity, which measures the output per unit of input.” For example, inefficiency would be assigning tasks to a credentialed veterinary technician that do not require their skill or expertise, such as making reminder calls for appointment or having a CVT restrain for a routine physical exam on a compliant patient. Evaluating proper utilization starts with clearly delineating the skill and knowledge required to perform each task. Ask yourself: does this task need the knowledge and skills only a veterinarian possesses? No? How about those of a CVT? If still no, how about delegating to a veterinary assistant? 

So, why is this important? Distinguishing the difference between common challenges throughout veterinary medicine can ensure the correct and most productive conversations are moving forward. If we don’t know exactly what we’re talking about, how could we begin to address solutions? For more information, see the resources below. 


Nolen, R. Scott. “Practice Inefficiencies Compound Veterinary Stress.” American Veterinary Medical Association, 17 Nov. 2021, 


AAHA: Are your credential technicians allowed to be all they can be?

AVMA Axon: How Well Do You Utilize Veterinary Technicians,

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