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Think Anesthesia- Balancing Anesthesia and Common Co-Morbidities
Friday, April 24, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: Affiliate Events

Think Anesthesia Live Webinar

Balancing Anesthesia and Common Co-Morbidities

Join us on Think Anesthesia® for the next monthly webinar presentation titled Balancing Anesthesia and Common Co-Morbidities. This presentation will focus on the performance of anesthesia in patients presenting with common co-morbidities including cardiovascular, respiratory, hepatic, renal, endocrine, and neurological diseases. The objectives of this presentation include understanding a concurrent disease’s influence on patient preparation, anesthetic drug selection and monitoring during anesthesia. We will discuss strategies to anticipate, identify, and prevent or effectively treat anesthetic complications that are more likely to occur in these patient populations. Upon completion of this webinar participants should be able to confidently select an anesthetic and analgesic plan appropriate for a patient with common co-morbidities and optimize positive patient outcomes. This presentation is RACE-approved for 1 CE credit for both veterinarians and technicians.


*Affiliate Events are not presented by the CACVT and any questions/comments/problems need to be communicated with the presenting facility or use the contact information provided below.